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Can Malibu Rehab Be Affordable

By 15 February 2017September 16th, 2021No Comments

Ah, Malibu, California, with its wealth and opulence can seem like a kingdom unto its own, and when it comes to Malibu rehab, the average person thinks that they don’t stand a chance. After all, Malibu rehab should be so expensive that it leaves the rest of us foils to our own devices, driven to the curb of L.A. in shame.

Malibu rehab doesn’t have to break the bank

Of course, there are many Malibu rehab facilities that cater to the rich and famous and won’t even consider an average Joe. But there are also Malibu rehab facilities that just about anyone can afford to attend, including free clinics. Yet before you sign up, there are some things to consider.

Does the Malibu rehab facility use a group therapy approach?

Most people tend to think that group therapy is the standard among rehab facilities across the country, and in most cases they would be correct. It has helped many people overcome a number of conditions and ailments and might even help you, but there is a catch, something these advocates for group therapy don’t want you to know about.

The first is that, whether it’s a Malibu rehab facility or somewhere else, a group therapeutic approach may only have a limited impact on one’s life. When treating groups of people, rather than individuals, the causes of the problems may never be addressed and therefore they can rear their heads shortly after the Malibu rehab program has ended.

Should cost be a factor in rehab treatment?

There’s a question emerging in the modern treatment of addiction that has to do with cost. The cost of treatment, for some, is beyond reach. Or so they think. This often leaves them with few options, in their own mind, other than the basic clinic down the street that treats all addicts the same. When it comes to treatment for addiction, nobody should be tossed into salad bowl and left to their own devices.

Rehab, for the most part, costs money. Even if the treatment is free, the costs to the person and anyone else involved include travel expenses and lost wages from time having to be taken off from work. Depending on the type of addiction and the method of treatment, some of these inpatient treatment facilities can actually cost quite a bit of money. Then something to consider is whether these inpatient facilities actually serve the addicted person or if they serve their own needs first.

Imagine this scenario, if you would: a person suffering from an addiction signs up for a clinic and devotes two weeks or even two months of his or her life to overcoming the addiction. He or she attends the group treatments regularly, and does everything that he or she is asked to do. In the end, this person leaves feeling as though he or she has a new lease on life.

Then the stress of daily life and the temptation for their past addictions begin to grab hold of them. Before long, that person could find themselves in a situation in which they are falling ‘off the wagon,’ so to speak.

The reason isn’t the person, per se, but possibly the treatment itself. In a group setting, people are treated as though they are all the same. There is no – or little- consideration for the unique experiences and conditions that make a person different from another, but it is in these individual experiences and behaviors that true and effective treatment occurs.

If that same person has to go back for another treatment session for addiction, then the cost rises. If that person has to endure three or four or more treatments before they finally kick their addiction once and for all, then often the expense is far more than some of the more ‘exclusive’ treatment centers would have charged for the first time, and then the addicted person would have been able to move on with his or her life much more effectively and quickly.

No one wants to go through a Malibu rehab treatment program twice

It doesn’t matter if you’re a celebrity, athlete, executive businessman or woman, or the regular guy down the street, no one wants to go through rehab twice. Dr. Fleming’s singular, one-on-one approach helps people to focus on what underlies the symptoms and helps them make the significant life changes that will carry on for years to come.

Dr. Fleming’s solution:

Dr. Fleming has long been working on studying addiction and how the brain works when subject to drug addiction and, through his efforts, he has unlocked a number of incredible keys to overcoming any number of challenges. His customized one-on-one approach has helped thousands of clients from around the world improve their lives, overcome addictions, and become better people.

Dr. Fleming’s vast experience includes:

  • PhD trained with experience in not only addiction and clinical arenas but also corporate and executive development arenas.
  • All one-on-one intensive arrangements customized and feature brain-retraining interventions and in depth, comprehensive assessment technologies.
  • Come to the client and work “in their world” real time (no in patient stay overs that make a professional lose touch w/their busy life and work commitments).
  • Versed in neuroscience and brain-based solutions that break the barriers around effectively changing a human being’s patterns of choices/behaviors.
  • Coached hundreds of executives and professionals on 5 continents
  • Over 95 percent “highly satisfied w/outcomes.”
  • Been featured expert in The New York Times and Christian Science Monitor, and in featured interviews alongside gurus such as Marshall Goldsmith.
  • A former shrink who knows under the radar barriers of human nature but doesn’t act like a shrink—a down to earth change agent who speaks it like it is.
  • Former Hollywood high end clients come from his work as a recording artist as well as private coach for “derailed notables.”
  • Former big name clients have trusted him: from a former White House Cabinet member to NFL athletes to professional musicians to Fortune 500 C-levels.