Does this sound peculiar? Good.
Far too often within our society, addiction is labeled and stigmatized and categorized. People may point at an individual and whisper among themselves, ‘Gee, that’s Ronald Cummings’ boy. Addict.’ They may spit the last word, as though just saying it will cause them to become one, too.
No, addiction coaching utilizes a positive approach in order to help the individual deal with the addiction. It welcomes this aspect of the person in because, after all, everyone is a product of his or her experiences. At the root core, every person is searching for something. Depending on the individual, we may be seeking attention, love, happiness, money, or any number of a list that seems endless at times.
What modern society has become fixated on, however, is that happiness is external, that buying things, having nice cars or a nice house or lots of jewelry is going to bring about that happiness. When we are seeking this kind of pleasure or reinforcement from outside, the external sense of gratification, it doesn’t quite fill the void and we keep searching for that answer we can’t seem to grasp.
However, when we look within for that sense of fulfillment, when we are looking in the right place, then we tend to avoid the pain that so many people feel throughout their life. It is this pain that people encounter while searching outside themselves that leads to addiction.
The addiction is an attempt, most often, at filling a void within life. Addiction coaching helps people to understand this dynamic and correlation between the external search for gratification and the internal one that can lead to fulfillment and ultimate happiness. This kind of approach doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, it needs to be repeated many times over many months, sometimes years, in order to reach that inner sense of peace, love, and belonging that we all inherently crave.
At the root core, men and women have some very basic needs. The first one is the sense of belonging. We often refer to this as needing love and while needing to be loved and be accepted is important in life, it’s difficult to fully understand what that means in the grand scheme of our own life.
Addiction coaching takes healing to the core
Addiction is the product of repeating some behavior over and over. In this, the person is attempting to find the right stimulus that helps them avoid some manner of pain. Most often, this pain is about being alone, about not being loved or feeling loved. Over time, this behavior, while seeming to mask the pain, becomes an addiction and the person may or may not realize that they have become addicted.
As mentioned, addiction can come in many forms. The most common that people think of in modern terms is to alcohol and drugs, but in reality, any behavior that a person cannot avoid is an addiction. Some people take to shopping, spending massive amounts of money on items that normally don’t want and certainly don’t need. Other people become addicted to sex, most often in an effort to feel connected and loved.
Through addiction coaching, the person learns to seek out within the things that he or she has been missing for all this time. Then they are taught to find that sense of fulfillment and happiness from within in order to avoid the need or the desire to stretch beyond their inner circle in the hope of filling the void. Addiction coaching isn’t about encouraging the person to quit the behavior that is disrupting his or her life, though that is often the common approach.
Trying to encourage someone to simply stop doing something because it’s bad for them, or because it’s harming people around them, or because they want to get past it, may work for a short period of time, but in the end, it’s going to lead them right back to where they started, empty and longing for that certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ that they can’t seem to find. This can often lead them back to the original addiction or to a new addiction.
Addiction coaching for the rest of your life
When we’re talking about addiction coaching, we’re talking about learning different strategies to help deal with emptiness or destructive habits. It deals with eliminating the shame or guilt that is often attached to addictive behaviors. It is about focusing on the natural elation we feel during positive moments in our life and how these positives can help deal with and overcome addiction. When you’re happy and feeling a sense of accomplishment or completeness, then there’s no longer a need for whatever it is you’ve become addicted to.
Dr. Fleming has been an addiction coach for years and has helped numerous clients overcome the challenges within their lives by searching for that inner sense of peace and happiness. The success rate for clients of Dr. Fleming is unparalleled.
Dr. Fleming’s solution:
Dr. Fleming has long been working on studying addiction and through his efforts, has unlocked a number of incredible keys to overcoming any number of challenges. His customized one-on-one approach has helped thousands of clients from around the world improve their lives, overcome addictions, and become better people.
Dr. Fleming’s vast experience includes:
- PhD trained with experience in not only addiction and clinical arenas but also corporate and executive development arenas.
- All one-on-one intensive arrangements customized and feature brain-retraining interventions and in depth, comprehensive assessment technologies.
- Come to the client and work “in their world” real time (no in patient stay overs that make a professional lose touch w/their busy life and work commitments).
- Versed in neuroscience and brain-based solutions that break the barriers around effectively changing a human being’s patterns of choices/behaviors.
- Coached hundreds of executives and professionals on 5 continents
- Over 95 percent “highly satisfied w/outcomes.”
- Been featured expert in The New York Times and Christian Science Monitor, and in featured interviews alongside gurus such as Marshall Goldsmith.
- A former shrink who knows under the radar barriers of human nature but doesn’t act like a shrink—a down to earth change agent who speaks it like it is.
- Former Hollywood high end clients come from his work as a recording artist as well as private coach for “derailed notables.”
Former big name clients have trusted him: from a former White House Cabinet member to NFL athletes to professional musicians to Fortune 500 C-levels.