This past week a wonderful article entitled “NFL is Head-Serious About Safety” written by noted sports columnist Rick Telander came out in the Chicago Sun Times. In this excellent call-to-action…
This past week a wonderful article entitled “NFL is Head-Serious About Safety” written by noted sports columnist Rick Telander came out in the Chicago Sun Times. In this excellent call-to-action…
How are we just like Congressman Weiner? Like you all, I am both oddly perturbed that Congressman Weiner’s sexting scandal is front page news and mildly intrigued. No, not from…
One of the bennies of traveling is that one can get some unique local perspectives on larger current issues, which can be so rich when one just happens to be…
I was asked recently what was a blunder in the early days when I was practicing psychotherapy that embarrassed me and yet gave me pause to learn something profound. With…
I remember being a student at Notre Dame and reading some classic CS Lewis in those required theology classes; a quote of his always stuck with me. Somewhere along the…
Thanks to a burst of media attention this week centering around a certain actor from A&E’s show “Duck Dynasty,” we may be thinking we have learned something about Phil Robertson’s…